We empower not-for-profit organizations to achieve their mission with excellence

Providing you with the right support at the right time

Canlead Solutions is a trusted provider of management and business support services for Canadian not-for-profit organizations. We support organizations by covering ongoing or temporary gaps in capacity, or by providing specialized or technical skills to augment what is missing.

Our key services include:

  • Management Services

    Management & Support Services

  • Training

    Training & Skills Development

  • Best Practices Review

    Best Practices Review & Implementation

  • Projects

    Project Specific Assignments

Areas of expertise

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  • Financial Management & Insight

  • Leadership, Culture & Strategy

  • Board & Governance

  • Administration & IT

  • Communications & Event Management

Why Canlead

As a not-for-profit serving Canadian not-for-profits, we are uniquely positioned to understand our clients and the challenges they face. We invest in relationships and provide the skill and experience necessary to create strong vibrant organizations—empowering our clients and the constituents they serve.


    Canlead has a highly experienced team offering practical, solutions-based services to help our clients succeed. We have deep industry insight and have a broad base of skills to offer the right support at the right time.


    Our services are scalable and flexible. Canlead can help organizations scale up, tackle short term assignments, or fill temporary gaps with ease.


    Canlead offers excellent value for money. Contracts are based on a full understanding of client needs and budget, providing maximum support with available resources.


    Canlead has a strong reputation as a values-based service delivery partner. Clients appreciate that we work in partnership with them and share a passion for not-for-profits and community service. They trust us to deliver quality results with integrity.

What our clients are saying

  • “Canlead has been a fantastic partner for CFIN-RCIA. Their involvement with CFIN-RCIA was paramount in getting our organization off to a strong start. A robust knowledge base in government program delivery helped us to launch our first funding call at an unprecedented pace. We appreciate the level of engagement of the Canlead team, as we feel and act as if they are one of our own team members. CFIN-RCIA looks forward to our continued partnership with Canlead and the added value they provide to our organization.”

    — Joe Lake, Canadian Food Innovation Network

  • “TOGA required part-time administrative support, with diverse areas of expertise, and Canlead was a perfect fit for this role. The expansive skill set of the Canlead team provides flexibility to access team members specific to the tasks at hand. Based on our excellent experience, I have already recommended Canlead Solutions to other industry members looking for part-time administration assistance.”

    — Jan VanderHout, The Ontario Greenhouse Alliancerce

  • “Wow, did LRIC luck out in getting to work with Canlead and Laura and Mel in particular! I had high expectations and they were exceeded. The work that went into preparing for the yesterday’s Board meeting was massive and all along the way, both Laura and Mel brought great experience, sound advice, good questions and suggestions, super documentation and even smiles through the process….. a real treat!”

    — Mike McMorris, Livestock Research and Innovation Corporation

  • “OCIRC was at a crossroads, looking for a company to manage all our administrative functions and set out a strategic plan for the next three years. Right from the beginning, Canlead came in and guided us to our goals objectives, they brainstormed with our board of directors to update the organizations vision and mission. OCIRC wanted to ensure the strategic priorities were aligned and the organization had a clear plan for the next three years. Canlead was the right choice for OCIRC because their knowledge, focus and depth on the team, making the job of a director easy.”

    — Anthony Pracek, Ontario Cereal Industry Research Council

  • “The quality of work and service we received from Canlead in the execution of our governance review and internal policy audit was first-rate. A truly professional, dynamic, and responsive team to work with, I would recommend them to other organizations and businesses without hesitation.”

    — Richard Horne, Beef Farmers of Ontario

Clients we supported

Passion into Mission

Our team is passionate about your success

We take pride in getting to know and sharing in our clients’ missions. Our client-focused culture motivates our team and helps us generate results that satisfy. Building stronger organizations is our passion. At Canlead, we believe that when associations succeed, communities thrive!

Five reasons to choose Canlead

How we can support your organization? Get in touch!

1-800-769-3272 | info@canleadsolutions.ca